Become a Sponsor
Your company or organization can be a part of this incredible event! Listed below are the various sponsorship levels along with the benefits of each one. Ima's Home for Children is a 501(c)(3) organization and all donations are tax-deductible.
Presenting Sponsor - $15,000
- Press Release announcing partnership
- Text mention on e-blasts
- Feature on event website and live link
- Banner displayed at event
- Logo Placement on all media and t-shirts
- 10 x 10 sponsor tent at event
- Dedicated posting on all social media outlets
Platinum Sponsor - $10,000
- Feature on event website and live link
- Banner displayed at event
- Logo placement on all media and t-shirts
- 10 x 10 sponsor tent at event
- Dedicated posting on all social media outlets
Gold Sponsor - $5,000
- Feature on event website and live link
- Logo placement on all media and t-shirts
- 10 x 10 sponsor tent at event
- Dedicated posting on all social media outlets
Silver Sponsor - $3,500
- Feature on event website
- Logo placement on t-shirts
- 10 x 10 sponsor tent at event
- Dedicated posting on all social media outlets
Bronze Sponsor - $2,000
- Feature on event website
- Logo placement on all media and t-shirts
- Dedicated posting on all social media outlets
Community Partner - $1,000
- Banner (provided by sponsor) displayed at event
Media or In-Kind Partner
- Donation of goods or services: benefits are comparable to cash sponsor based on the approximate value of the in-kind donation.